Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Attract visitors by offering free content

One of the best marketing tips to attract visitor to your site/blog is to give away free content. Internet visitors like free content!

You can offer as free content: articles, books or software. Also remember that general interest content will attract more visitors than niche content. Don’t try to steal content from other sites but instead create unique e-books or small freeware applications that will be available only through your website/blog.

If you are a good writer try also to publish a few articles on specialized websites. For instance, if you have a programming blog, an article posted on codeproject.com, for sure will raise the traffic to your site. The article should offer valuable information and not look like an advertisement. A discrete short biography and web address at the end of the article is enough to divert interested visitors to your site.

You can offer free content like a bonus to site visitors or to stimulate them to subscribe to certain site features. For instance, ITObserver blog offers for free valuable software applications to all site visitors that choose to subscribe to the free blog newsletter. By subscribing to the free newsletter not only that you get recent blog posts delivered to your email box (without advertisements) but you also get free software.

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